The Corners of Fortunæ
Fortune can raise men to the very top, only to cast them down when they least expect it.

17.11.2021 19:00
Theodorskirche, Basel
The early music duo, LA FIAMMA, is taking you on a spin on Fortune’s wheel. The Corners of Fortunæ is a programme that features music from the middle ages to the Renaissance and later periods, taking you along / showing you the metaphorical journey of being a king, owning a kingdom and later losing it, and eventually regained the throne.
Amy Farnell (voice and organetto)
​Fiona Kizzie Lee (recorder, organetto, clavicytherium)

Regno / I reign / the King
Regnavi / I reigned / the remnants of the past
Sum sine regno / my reign is finished / I have no Kingdom
Regnabo / I shall reign / the future
Tel: 078 708 21 37
Free entry, donations welcome
3G - certificate maybe required.